I’m an investment banker from Hong Kong. Well, I used to be. Now, I’m mostly just…stuck. It’s strange how life works out.
The airport terminal is full of people. New York JFK Airport is like a small city. Today, it’s more like a refugee camp.
I’m not alone in my predicament. There’s Maria, a fiery Argentinian artist. She has an untamed shock of curly hair and eyes that hold stories. Then there’s Sam, a quiet and shy Nigerian coder. His glasses never quite sit straight on his nose.
A volcanic eruption in Iceland. No flights in or out. We’re stuck here. Indefinitely.

We meet in the terminal, each of us trying to find a place to rest.
“May I?” Maria gestures to the seat beside me.
I nod. She sits, sighs, begins to sketch. Sam joins us. A trio of castaways on the plastic island of airport chairs.
Weeks pass. We get to know each other. Maria’s fiercely independent, left Argentina to study art in Paris. Now she’s living in Brooklyn. Sam’s a self-taught programmer from Lagos, here to attend a tech conference.
We share stories. Learn from each other. I teach them about finance, they teach me about art and coding. Days turn into nights, nights turn back into days. Time blurs.
We share our dreams. Maria wants to open an art gallery. Sam dreams of starting his own tech company. Me? I want to escape the corporate world. I didn’t realize it until I said it out loud.
We’re each so different. But here, in this purgatory of delayed flights and cold coffee, we find common ground.
One day, Maria organizes an art show in the terminal. She sketches portraits of people, their stories trapped in her lines and curves. Sam helps by setting up a digital gallery of Maria’s work. I manage the crowd. We make the news.

More weeks pass. A sense of community begins to develop in the terminal. Sam teaches coding classes. I offer financial advice. Maria’s art brings color to the sterile, white walls.
The eruption ends. Flights resume. It’s time to leave.
As we stand in front of the departure board, there’s a moment of silence. A bond has been formed, strong and unbreakable.
“Do we have to say goodbye?” Maria’s voice is small, hesitant.
“No,” Sam smiles, adjusts his glasses. “We don’t.”
So, we don’t. We promise to stay in touch, to visit each other. We hug.
The moment is brief. It feels like an ending, but it isn’t. It’s the beginning of a new chapter.
Back in Hong Kong, life is different. I quit my job. I explore new ventures. I take risks.
Maria opens her art gallery. Sam starts his tech company. We support each other, through triumphs and setbacks.
We meet every year, in a different country. We share our lives, continue to learn from each other.
We’re friends. Friends who met by chance, stranded in an airport. Friends brought together by a natural disaster. Friends who learned to embrace uncertainty, to dream bigger, to live fuller.
Three people from three different countries, from three radically different backgrounds. Friends for life.
And as I sit in my new office, I realize. I’m no longer stuck. Not anymore.
Because sometimes, being stuck is just the beginning of moving forward.
And friends, they are the wind beneath your wings. They push you forward when you feel stuck. They make the journey worthwhile.
And for us, it all started in an airport terminal, stranded, with nowhere to go. But we found a way to go somewhere, together. And it has made all the difference.
Disclaimer: “Terminal Bonds: Unlikely Friends in Unforeseen Circumstances” is a work of fiction. The characters and events depicted in this story are entirely the product of the author’s imagination. However, the essence of the story — forging deep connections amidst adversity — is universal and could very well be the narrative of real individuals in similar circumstances. Life often surprises us in the most unexpected ways, and friendships can blossom in the most unlikely of places.